Indigo Threads Celebrates 6 Years In Southern Laos
January 15, 2011
Loyal to our mission statement, Indigo Threads, Laos Education Support and Rural Village Development Non-Profit (501-C-3) Humanitarian Organization is dedicated to the development and support of educational opportunities for desperately poor children in Southern Laos’ rural villages, which encompasses the ENTIRE circle of education support to the students families, their village communities, schools, teachers and Education Departments. We give the gift of education to so many children that would not otherwise have this opportunity; a gift that is everlasting.
Within these 6 short year, our direct ‘hands on’ flourishing Education Support Programs have overwhelmingly exceeded our projected accomplished expectations and the positive impact on student’s lives. From the 3 original impoverished rural schools supported by Indigo Threads, we now provide a variety of Programs to 16 schools, assisting in meeting the education needs of more then 3,000 students. While constructing new schools with improvements and repairs to others, digging new wells and making repairs to existing wells, building school latrines, Indigo Threads has been able to provide healthy School Lunch Programs, Student Health Assessment Fairs, Reading/Active Learning Programs, Teacher Training Scholarships and numerous supplemental student Programs to improve the developing Southeast Asian County of Laos’ critical education needs. Please, visit our website at for additional information.
Indigo Threads Director and Staff remain as committed and optimistic as when we first began in 2004. This is our Organization’s single Project, proudly assisting the Laotian people in their quest to develop their Country. We have successfully built a solid foundation. Changes start with educating the children.
Indigo Threads was incorporated in California (USA) in 2006, while our Government non-profit status was granted the same year. Addressing our critical funding issues, Indigo Threads urgently needs to secure grants, corporate sponsorships, philanthropic foundations, employee donation programs and individual Friends of Indigo Threads to continue our vitally important mission. Please contact Mary D. Meyer at to discuss our projected funding needs and your interest in supporting Indigo Threads.
Sabaidee Greetings from Mary D. Meyer
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