Water and School Well Repairs 2011

January 7, 2011

Functioning wells are crucial as the only water source at rural Laotian schools. Equipment breaks down, sitting idle for long periods of time due to the lack of funds for necessary repairs.  Over the years Indigo Threads has repaired a number of school and rural village community wells with ‘helping hand’ repairs. 

Every village has at least one community well for 30-50 families; not clean safe water.  To prevent illness they must boil the water for drinking; even more difficult when the well is not operating.  Villagers then carry water from distant polluted rivers to supply their family’s needs.  When school wells are not functioning, students must bring recycled water bottles from home, adding additional stress on the family’s water supply.  Indigo Thread collects recycled plastic bottles from the City for this purpose.

In 2006, Indigo Threads constructed Km.16, Louyta Primary School well; later building an additional 3-classroom school building and an outdoor latrine.  Health Department tests required by Indigo Threads Director, determined the well water was safe to drink directly from the source.  Because of our long-standing commitment to these students and their school, Indigo Threads makes every effort to keep the well functioning for the 165 students and teachers, making repairs in October 2010.

Within hours of the repairs, the entire atmosphere changed on the school campus.  Students cleaned their classroom and furnishings.  Personal hygiene improved with the use of the latrine and water to clean themselves.  Newly planted trees and plants perked up.  The average cost of repairing a well pump/pvc pipe is $150.00 while many remain idle.  Positive changes do happen with a source for clean safe water.

Forgetting to photo this inspiring event, we have posted archival photos, while it is obvious we are not professional photographers.

Photo:  Since this photo was taken at Louyta Primary School, the well area has been fenced with bamboo poles to avoid livestock contaminating the area.  A roof structure over the well has been added to keep it shaded.  Students are often seen bathing with a nudge from their teachers, while Indigo Threads donates bar soap.

Photo:  When digging this well, it was necessary to use hydraulic drilling equipment due to rock bed ground near the Mekong River.  The Provincial Health Department is one of handful in the area who have this type of equipment.  At that time is cost $1,300. to complete the well; today much more costly.  Indigo Threads now allocates funds to repair aging non functioning wells at both rural schools and villages.

Photo:  Mr. Vong Duan, left, Provincial Health Department, is one of  a few well/pump repairmen in the Province.  Fortunately he lives in Pathoumpone District where most of Indigo Threads assistance is located.  We are grateful for his timely cooperation when called to make repairs.

Photo:  A concrete step has been added to help the youngest students operate the sometimes difficult  pump. Step is not visible in photo.

Water is crucial  to all of us.  When turning on the faucet in your home, think about the challenges others not as fortunate must do to provide safe drinking water for their family's needs.

Numerous wells remain idle.  With your support, Indigo Threads will be able to make necessary repairs with a source of water for hundreds of rural Laotian students and families.

Sabaidee Greeting from Mary D. Meyer/Executive Director

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