Back-to-School Supply Donations 2010/2011

January 10, 2011

Every year Indigo Threads welcomes excited students back to school with individual donations of schools supplies.  Eight hundred students received writing tablets and writing implements as a ‘helping hand’ to begin their first semester.  As the second semester rapidly approaches, we are considering replenishing the students writing tablets for the second session, beginning February 1, 2011.

We are elated to report student enrollment has increased dramatically at all of our assisted schools with equal numbers of girls and boys.  Indigo Threads is convinced our continued long-standing presence in their lives has make a huge difference with our direct unwavering education support and ‘helping hand’ assistance, all within the entire circle of education support while addressing crucial basic requirements.  The Lao Ministry of Education has focused on a campaign to educate parents with the imperative benefits of educating their children within the challenges to meet the UN’s 2015 Millennium Goal to eradicate poverty.

Join our Back-to-School Supply Program.  A $50.00 donation allows us to purchase 320 Lao style writing tablets to expand the Program to numerous students at other poor schools that do without.  Pencils purchased in the US are more cost effective than in Laos.  We welcome corporate sponsorship and your donations.

Photos posted are from Indigo Threads Back to School Supply Donation in September 2010.  Perhaps difficult to imagine the conditions in a developing country as Laos, we want to share our experiences and meet the students and their teachers in our Programs.

Photo:  Louyta Primary School, Km. 16, students have been grateful recipients of  Indigo Threads Back-to-School Supply Donation Program since 2006.  Since 2006, school supplies have been donated to students at school;  prior to that time students received Indigo Threads donations at their respective villages.

Photo:  Mrs. Simalee, Oudompone School teacher explains to the students the school supples are a gift  from Indigo Threads.  Our multi purpose message board also encourage students to do well in school and attend daily.

Photo:  Phao Sampone Primary School students generally line up without direction from their teachers.   The excited students forgot their routine the opening day of the new school year.  The light September monsoon rain didn't make it any less confusing.

Photo:  All 165 happy students eventually lined up while Tuk On and Director Mary donated school supplies to each individual student.  Toub is busy preparing the supplies in the background.  Pencils/pens were wrapped in a rubber band to make it easy for the students to carry their new supplies.

Photo:  Students at Non Phao Sampone Primary School welcomed us with Lao's tradition clasped hand greeting, often mistaken by Westerners as a prayer.  

Photo:  Teacher Pialao and 25 other teachers and supervisors received a donation of teaching supplies.  Mr. Pialao, Non Phao Sampone School, is one of  a couple ethnic teachers within our assisted schools.   Indigo Threads support is directed primarily to ethnic students and schools.

Photo:  The 6th and final stop of the day is Kayo Village.  320 writing tablets and the same amount of pencils/pens were donated to the village Chief to support their village students.  Kayo Village students attend school in another District, although bordering Districts with our main supported area.  In 2004-2005, Indigo Threads initially began working at Lomsak Tai School and surrounding villages located in this District.  Kayo Village is and has been a part of Indigo Threads School Lunch Program.

Photo:  This young 5 year old student is starting the first grade with a bright successful future ahead of him.   With encouragement and our 'helping hand' we expect to award him a college scholarship in the coming years.  This is another reason why Indigo Threads does it what it does.

Sabaidee Greetings from all of us.


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