February 10, 2013

. . . WITH A $35,000. GRANT.”

Since 2005, INDIGO THREADS School Lunch Program has served an estimated 400,000 nutritious protein vitamin rich Lao soup school lunches at Southern Laos poor rural schools for students and when possible surrounding impoverished village youngest and elders.  INDIGO THREADS initiated the first and only one of its kind school lunch Program's in the region.  The purpose of the Program is to supplement malnourished, vitamin deficient and underdeveloped young venerable children with a healthy diet, allowing them to mentally and physically develop to their full potential while focusing on their education.

Take a look, a good look at just a few of these bright young Laotian faces who have benefited from INDIGO THREADS School Lunch Program.  It’s possible you are looking into the faces of future UN delegates, multinational CEO’s and your non-profit organization’s President, if provided a sustainable chance for a positive future.  The arduous decision had to be made to temporarily suspend INDIGO THREADS essential School Lunch Program until adequate funds are secured.  “Sorry, students we can’t feed you school lunch”, is not acceptable when there is a successful viable solution for these developing young children life long well-being.

INDIGO THREADS has the knowledge, experience, capability and respected local goodwill to provide 700-800 nutritious rural school lunches per day; more if we have funding.  Our $35,000. projected inclusive budget will provide a healthy school lunch at 7-10 alternati poor rural schools for the entire 2013-2014 school year.

We need a generous caring BIG heart humanitarian funder/s to help
eradicate the lasting effects of severe poverty for Laos’ next generation.
Help us feed So. Laos’ children.

Posted by Mary D. Meyer/Indigo Threads/Founder/Executive Director/Project Manager

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